My sister was born in Germany when my dad was stationed in Dachau.?She was born in Munich in a army base hospe
2006-06-25 10:05:44 UTC
My father was serving in the US army. Now we live in Puerto Rico. She wants copies of her birth certificate. Can anybody tell us where to contact in Germany? thanks in advance
Neun antworten:
2006-06-25 15:25:09 UTC
I think the German Embassy rsp. the responsible consulate for Puerto Rico should be able to help you. They may not get the birth certificate but they can give you the right contacts in Germany. According to the web site of the German ministery for foreign relations the contact info ist:

Telefon (001 305) 358 02 90

Fax (001 305) 358 03 07

Postal address: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 100 N. Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132-2381, USA.



In General the "Einwohnermeldeamt" ("registration office for residents") of the birthplace will give you a birth certificate. If you simply address a letter to:




it will arrive, although the postman may need some time more.

Simply write them;

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

bitte senden Sie mir 3 Geburtsurkunden zu.

Dear madam, dear sir, please send me 3 birth certificates.

Then write name, date of birth ("Geburtstag") and location of birth ("Geburtsort"), if possible also the last address of residence ("letzte Wohnanschrift"), name and birthdate of parents for proper identification.

But you can be quite sure that they can read an English letter, too.

I suggest you phone the consulate first.

As someone else suggestet you may contact your Embassy in Germany. Actually it should be their job to help US citizens. In Berlin the phone number is +49 30-8 30 50

Fax + 49 30-2 38 62 90.

Probably the better address is the consulate general in Munich which is responsible for Bavaria (inkludes Dachau):

Tel. +49 89-2 88 80

Fax + 49 89-28 30 47

Postal address Königinstraße 5, 80539 Munich, Germany
Michael A
2006-06-28 19:07:32 UTC
well, most important question is .. was it an american army base? if so you should ask american government for birth certificate coz if she was born on an american base she was born on american territory if ya know what i mean. A second way would be to contact the municipality of munich. Actually i would try both ways at once to save time :)

best of luck
2006-06-27 13:17:46 UTC
You have to contact the European Headquater of The U.S. Army (USAREUR)) in Heidelberg or contact US European Command (USEUCOM) in Stuttgart.
Pretty in Pink
2006-06-25 17:38:55 UTC
The easiest way is to contact the US Embassy,either in Frankfurt/Main or Berlin.I´m sure your congressman is able to help you to find the address.The Embassy should be able to get you in contact with the townhall in Munich,where your sister´s birth must have been registered.Good Luck!!
Invader Zim
2006-06-25 17:30:16 UTC
In Germany only the community of the city you been born in keeps record of the people born there.

Since she was born in Munich the community centre of Munich should be able to send or a copy of the birth certificate.

At least that applies if your a German citizen.

Now your born American, so most likely not a citizen of Germany and I suppose German cities dont have a birth record of foreigners being born in Germany (because its not germans business)

But if you want to contact Munichs community centre to find out yourself, heres the address:

Bürgerbüro im Kreisverwaltungsreferat

Ruppertstr. 19


80337 München

Phone.: Germany +89/233 96 000

(open Mo-Fr. 8-12 am berlin time)

Max Fragt
2006-06-25 17:26:05 UTC

Here is the info of the registrar office of the city of Dachau:


Stadt Dachau

Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 2-6

85221 Dachau


Tel: +49-8131 - 75-0

Fax: +49-8131 - 75-288


Opening hours (German time) Montag bis Freitag 8.00 (Bürgerbüro 7.30) - 12.30 Uhr, Donnerstag auch 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr
2006-06-25 17:24:50 UTC
Not so sure about das Einwohnermeldeamt,and if it would be Munich. But since she was born on the Army Base,they would have it,not the Germans
2006-06-25 17:23:22 UTC
to this adress send your question
2006-06-25 17:16:20 UTC
Hi ,

i hope i can help you. Write or call


85221 Dachau

Weiherstraße 16

Phone: 0049 8131-74-300

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