What is the biggest word in German, could you send it to me (sorry I don't know Deustch!)?
2006-10-09 09:51:53 UTC
I'm Brazilian (Portuguese speaker, so) and I'm collecting the longest words from several modern languages. It's not for an academical paper so something. It's only curiosity.

Tnx and sorry for the language!

Ie - B r a z i l
PS: I have no idea in which section I have to click on the post my question!!!! I gotta learn German!
Fünf antworten:
2006-10-09 10:39:23 UTC

this term means translated part by part:

Donaudampfschifffahrts- danube steam navigation

kapitänswitwen- skipper's widow

versicherungspolicen- insurance policy

vermittlerprovisions- commission

vorsteuerabzugsberechtigungsklausel - input tax deduction clause of authorization

which means that this is the clause of authorization for input tax deduction in the insurance policy and commission of the skipper's(which has formerly worked on the danube steam navigation - should mean before he died) widow

i hope this helps at least a little..

best regards

2006-10-09 09:55:29 UTC





I'm sorry but a cant translate this word. Maybe you make a new question for it...
2006-10-09 10:22:52 UTC
I'm sorry because I'm not sure of the biggest German word... because there could be neverending words when they are assembled - like the first sender's one- you could put together many words in German and have a more or less meaningful word.

I just looked a bit and found the word 'Unkameradschaftlichkeit'.

This word is not put together from many lone words but is an individual long word. I don't know if it's the longest, I'm afraid.

Unkameradschaftlichkeit means the opposite of comradeship.

Verdammt nochmal, das Donaudampfschiffahrtsbla ist ein zusammengesetztes Wort, dadurch kann man nicht das längste EINZELNE Wort bestimmen. Aber vielleicht will er das ja wissen. Pff. Bin beleidigt.
2006-10-09 10:02:01 UTC
Inselaffe its a word for the very frendly persons from england
2006-10-09 09:59:54 UTC

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